
Why the British Indian Ocean Territories should remain British. Link to note:

What is not covered by the Windsor Framework Brake

The European Research Group’s Legal Advisory Committee

Review and Assessment of the “The Windsor Framework”

The third anniversary of Brexit: Brexit opportunities

Re-uniting the Kingdom

ERG Report on the Northern Ireland Protocol FINAL

Page star chamber 2

The ERG Legal Advisory Committee’s Opinion on the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement MPs

Star Chamber 2019

Star-Chamber-Reasoning-Conclusions March 2019


Practical proposals for the United Kingdom’s border with the European Union with particular emphasis on Northern Ireland

NIP alternatives

Northern Ireland paper 18 October 2018 FINAL Your-Right-to-Know

Your Right to Know: The Case against Chequers and the Draft Withdrawal Agreement in plain English

Your Right To Know



Super Canada cover

Super Canada October 2018


Alternatives to EU memberhsip of teh EU

Alternatives to UK membership of the EU

Trading Places: Is EU Membership still the best option for UK Trade?

This report set out all the main alternatives to UK membership of the EU, EEA, Switzerland, Turkey – Customs Union, Free Trade area or WTO terms. This was the first report to set out all the alternatives. Read Trading Places here. 12 June 2012

What does putting Parliament back in control entail? Christopher Howarth, Open Europe (2013)
In this essay I argued that scrutiny without power is merely ritual.

Read the report here: hansard-society-publication__Measured-or-Makeshift-Parliamentary-scrutiny-of-the-European-Union

The European parliament: A failed experiment in pan-European democracy

Read the report here: 140513_European_Parliament_briefing


Kick-Starting growth: How to reignight the EU’s services sector

In this report Open Europe showed that fully implementing the EU’s existing Services Directive and further liberalising EU services markets would produce a permanent increase to EU-wide GDP of up to 2.3% or €294bn.



More or Less: Making the EU’s farm policy work for growth and the environment

In this report Open Europe proposes a radical overhaul of the CAP, linking subsidies to measurable environmental benefits, while allowing productive farmers to opt in or out of the scheme. At the same time, the overall CAP budget would be rationalised, reducing the UK’s contribution to the EU budget by £7.3bn over seven years. Read the report here: CAP_2012 27 February 2012


An unavoidable choice: More or less control over EU policing and criminal law

In this report Open Europe argued that the Coalition government should use its opt out in the 2009 Lisbon Treaty to opt out of ECJ control over the EU’s crime and policing laws. Read the report here: JHA2014choice 29 January 2012

EU free movement

Tread Carefully: The impact and management of EU free movement and immigration policy

In this report Open Europe argued that EU free movement rules need reform or public consent will be undermined. Read the report here: EU immigration2012 12 March 2012

OFF Target: The case for bringing regional policy back home

EU Regional policy reform

How to save the UK millions by repatriating EU regional policy.

This report set out the case for repatriating UK regional policy from the EU arguing that if the UK and other richer member states were to pay for their own regional policies and the use of the remaining structural funds was limited to poorer EU member states – this would save the UK up to £4.2bn over seven years. Read the report here: EU Regional Policy24 January 2012

Cameron’s EU veto: 10 lessons that need to be learnt

Ten Lessons for David cameron in negotiating in the EU

10 Lessons for David Cameron on how to negotiate in the EU

Open Europe’s Ten lessons David Cameron needs to learn from the EU veto . Including “the Treasury and the FCO are on the same side.” Open Europe analysis on how to negotiate in Europe 23 December 2011

Safeguarding the UK’s financial trade in a changing Europe

EU Continental Shift

Why the UK should seek a safeguard over EU financial regulation.

Open Europe’s report “Continental Shift” argued that the UK Government should seek safeguards over future EU financial services laws to ensure continued trade and growth in the UK’s financial sector. The report was the first to warn of the likelihood of “Eurozone Caucusing” and proposed a new system of double majority voting, subsequently taken up by the EBA. Read Continental Shift 5 December 2011