Author Archives: admin

Re-plant Portcullis House to represent the biodiversity of the British islands…

All bad things must come to an end and so it is for the Ficus benjamina – the rented weeping figs – of Portcullis House. Expensive, prone to create allergic reactions and subsidence they were never the right trees for … Continue reading

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18 June 1999: Franco-German Friendship and the Destination of Federalism

Was there ever going to be space for Britain in Kohl and Mitterand’s Europe? Book review: Christopher Howarth [eurofacts (Vol 4 No 17) – 18th June 1999] In this important study Dr Martin Holmes, an Oxford lecturer and prolific writer … Continue reading

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What has HMT got to hide on the rebate?


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Can the Conservatives win the next election despite delivering record (legal) immigration?

22 September 2022 There are two types of immigration: Illegal immigration and legal immigration. Illegal immigration is very visible, it often involves boats from France landing on the South Coast and the accompanying headlines. There is a near consensus that … Continue reading

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It’s time for Britain to get back into the space race

The Critic, 21 April, 2020 By Christopher Howarth The UK’s first encounter with space technology came out of the blue on 8th September 1944 in the shape of a V2 rocket that exploded killing three people in Chiswick. This was the … Continue reading

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Leasehold scandal: Practical proposals to end the great leasehold rip-off

Christopher Howarth: Submission to the Commons’ select Committee on Leasehold reform Background: Prior to 1993, the owners of flats had virtually no rights. They could not extend their leases, nor could they collectively buy out their landlord: they had an … Continue reading

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EFTA Court 13-Sep-2017

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94k bill

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A short legal guide to leaving the EU

A version of this article can be found on ConservativeHome here While in the UK a dwindling band of those unreconciled to the inevitability of Brexit marched on Parliament and were promptly lost amongst tourist crowds, in Brussels there is … Continue reading

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Why it’s wrong to claim that Britain leaving the EU risks Scotland leaving Britain

The following was published on Conservative Home There should be no surprise that the SNP claim (falsely) that Scottish opinion on the EU is dramatically different than English opinion. They are after all Scottish nationalists and need to constantly demonstrate … Continue reading

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What % of UK law comes from the EU?

Estimating the % of UK law that comes from the EU is an old game that is bound to come up as the UK edges closer to its referendum. In essence those advocating EU membership such as Nick Clegg and Hugo Dixon … Continue reading

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What are the chances of an In/Out EU referendum being passed in the next Parliament?

With the election campaign underway and the opinion polls too close to call the fate of the Conservatives’ EU referendum will depend on parliamentary arithmetic. We have a look at how things stand.  The following was on Open Europe’s blog … Continue reading

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Conservative Home: The challenge to Brexit’s backers. Yes, it can be done. But it would mean difficult decisions.

The following article was published here One of the more depressing statistics to come out of the Scottish independence referendum campaign was that 42 per cent of Scots said they would change their allegiance from the UK to independence for £1,000 a … Continue reading

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Conservative Home: Could the Conservative party strike an EU referendum bargain with the SNP?

The following article was published on Conservative Home here Predicting the outcome of the next election is a mug’s game. But I will go as far as saying there is a chance it could be close and if the electorate … Continue reading

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An early 2016 EU referendum would reduce the chances of EU reform

Instilling fear, uncertainty and doubt is one of the most powerful marketing ploys used to persuade customers to stick with the known product. Some business leaders exhibit all these reactions when confronted with the probability of an EU referendum. The … Continue reading

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Could an ‘Outist’ big beast lead the Conservative party?

9 February 2015 Spring is around the corner, an election is in the air and the minds of Tory MPs are invariably turning to one thought – Regicide. Lord Kilmuir once believed “loyalty is the secret weapon of the Conservative … Continue reading

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How much EU law does Norway have to adopt? 9%? or 75%?

Norway is not in the EU but is within the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA, is an agreement between the EFTA states (minus Switzerland) and the EU, giving Norway access to the Single Market. The EEA however differs from … Continue reading

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EU Referendum

What effect do the different potential UK election outcomes have on the chances of an EU referendum.  The May UK election will be one of the most uncertain in modern history. All options are on the table from majority Labour … Continue reading

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What has the Home Office got to hide on EU Crime and Policing reform?

When the UK signed the Lisbon treaty it signed up to the juristiction of the European Court of Justice over EU Crime and Policing, subject to a block opt-out. The problem being once activated (as it was) the UK could … Continue reading

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UK to contribute €1.6 billion to EIB capital increase

UK to contribute €1.6 billion to EIB capital increase Open Europe’s Christopher Howarth is quoted in the Times, Telegraph and Mail as saying, “This feels an awful lot like spending for the sake of spending without doing anything to solve … Continue reading

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UK exports to rest of the world exceed those to EU for first time since 1970s

UK exports to rest of the world exceed those to EU for first time since 1970s Following the news that  the UK is exporting more to the rest of the world than to the EU for the first time since the 1970s, Open … Continue reading

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What could independence mean for Scotland’s future in the EU?

What could independence mean for Scotland’s future in the EU? In an interview with Spanish daily La Razón, Open Europe’s Senior Analyst Christopher Howarth discusses the potential implications of Scotland’s independence for its future membership of the EU. La Razón: … Continue reading

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